While getting my daily Facebook fix this morning I saw a video posted of two young boys fighting. This video was from a local teen who uploaded it to Facebook for everyone to see. I watched the video in utter disbelief, then I unfortunately looked at the comments, it was one comment in particular that has inspired this entry. I won't quote the comment exactly to protect the identity of the poster, however, it was basically saying that it was sad that the next generation of kids will think that the fight was awesome compared to other "better" fights, and advising one of the fighters how to properly throw a punch. Does this disgust anyone else? If anything, it worries me that the next generation of kids will see this and think its right. One can only hope that that generation will look at it and consider those involved to be morons -- like I do. Now, I can clearly remember numerous fights in the parking lot on lunch breaks or after school. I specifically remember always knowing there was a fight just by the sheer amount of kids forming in one general area. This always blew my mind. What is wrong with people? When a fight breaks out, the first reaction of most kids is to gather and watch, cheer on the person they know the most, despite having no idea what the fight is about. In today's world, it has gone further than that. If I witnessed two kids in a full on fist fight, my first thought would not be "better film this!" Throughout the video one of the boys fighting ended up with a pretty bloody nose and mouth, once this happens I was disgusted at what I heard. Other kids who were standing around watching the fight were yelling "keep going, its only a little blood." Seriously? Are kids today so messed up that rather than attempt to stop the fight, report the fight, or simply ignore it, they choose to dismiss the fact that someone is injured and urge them to keep fighting. The fact that kids today are like this, makes me sick to my stomach. I mean, I was a little hell raiser as a teenager, however, it never resorted to violence. I can remember a specific incident while I was in high school. A large group was forming outside the school by the smoking area -- I was a smoker so I witnessed the entire event. Two guys lured another boy outside only to jump him. The kid being jumped was an innocent kid who sadly was overweight and was constantly teased and pushed around. These two guys were only beating him up because he was different. Everyone there witnessed that this awkward teenager did nothing to deserve what he got, the beat down only ended when a teacher finally came to the rescue. Want to know the saddest part of this story? Less than a year later, that overweight, awkward (but very nice and genuine) young man, committed suicide. With everything in the news these days about bullying, it is only getting worse. There was severe bullying and suicides when I was in school, but it was never publicized. I personally was the victim of severe bullying all throughout school so I can tell first hand how much bullying has changed. When I was in school there were specific people who would "moo" as I walked past, or yell out "tub of lard". Sure, it hurt, but I just brushed it off and bullied back -- which in retrospect was probably not the best idea, but it helped me cope. By today's standards, most would not consider that to be bullying. Kids today have zero shame. Ambushing unpopular kids and giving them a beat down for literally no reason? WHY? I really cannot understand their reasoning.
Watch that video and tell me what is wrong with those kids. I feel like tracking each one down and slapping them silly. What is even more pathetic than the girls fighting, are the 30+ other kids standing around cheering them on. You all disgust me. Sadly, there is nothing that will ever be done that can stop bullying from happening. Schools have had this "zero bullying policy" for years, but it doesn't do any good. You bully someone, you get scolded and sent back to class, then the bullied kid gets bullied even more for "ratting". You physically injure someone? You get suspended -- as a teenager, suspensions were like a holiday for me, therefore, not great incentive to stop it from happening. The only way to stop bullying, and fighting is to have such things become a criminal offense -- and it should be. The kids in that video (and the one I just posted) should be charged with assault, the kids standing around watching it happen without stopping it, should also be charged. Guilt by association. Maybe then these kids will grow a brain and realize how dumb they really are, and how pathetic they look. Do they like having an entire country think of them as pathetic and disgusting individuals who will amount to nothing? Here is my message to bullies and people to like a good schoolyard fight: GROW UP! Nobody thinks you are cool for throwing your fists, in fact, the majority of people will only look down on you for it. Want to be "cool"? Stand up and take a stand against people like yourself. Get your head out of your ass and realize that the world does not revolve around you, you aren't the best thing to happen to humanity, and that boy who kissed that girl who's ass you're kicking...he never liked you anyway, get over it and move on.
I will begin with a warning, this post will likely be short - but not so sweet. This evening, Ashley and myself attended a basketball game in our hometown. It was a great game, good turn out, and a decent amount of fun. However, shortly after we arrived we noticed something that, quite frankly, has me outraged. Sitting in the front row court side was a couple, the woman was holding an infant. This child could not have been more than a month old. Now, throughout the game we noticed the ball fly into the court side seats numerous times -- not a light throw either -- flying through the air full force. I am in utter shock and awe that there are parents out there stupid enough to sit in such an incredibly dangerous spot, with a newborn baby. I was just waiting for the ball to come flying at them and ultimately kill the child. This woman was not holding the baby in a protective manner either. The baby was "sitting" on her lap, facing forward -- literally a few steps from the court. I witnessed the ball thrown into the crowd right next to this family. It actually disgusted me to the point that it took a lot for me not to walk over and inform her that she is clearly an unfit parent. If I see it again, I assure you, I will not remain so reserved. Now, there is one more thing that is upsetting about this game. Our team is called the Summerside Storm. They are pro team, therefore, they have "cheerleaders." However, these "cheerleaders" -- suitably named "The Storm Troopers" are nothing but a crew of maybe fifteen pre-teens. Some people would consider this to be cute and good for the community, unfortunately kids today find a way to turn anything into an embarrassment. The first few games of the Storm's first season, these 12, 13, and 14 year old girls were dressed so provocatively that hundreds of people complained. Can someone explain to me who thought it was a good idea in the first place to dress up these kids like hookers and have them dance around an arena with 2000+ people watching them? That isn't even the main issue here. After the complaining, these "cheerleaders" are dressed from head to toe -- they've even gone to the extreme of wearing full sweatsuits. The problem that I witnessed was how these girls were dancing. There are kids, most of which are likely just starting high school (if they are even that old). Throughout all of their little displays I watched them like hawks -- I would have bet a lot of money that they learned their moves from watching stripper videos. They wiggle their completely covered asses like they want you to give them some "dolla dolla bills." I am all for our team having "cheerleaders", but they need to decide if they want children or your typical busty blonde. Mixing children and "slutty" dance moves should never be done. There are enough problems in the world where girls are getting pregnant at younger ages than ever before -- MTV has gone so far as to take advantage of this by making their "16 and pregnant" series. With all those pregnancies, girls showboating their "assets" in such a way doesn't do much to deter the boys. Girls of that age should never be considered sexy, let alone trying to be. It actually disgusts me to see such young girls trying to obtain the attention of the audience and the players by shaking their "booties".
Well, that is my rant for the day, I will end here before I get carried away. -Drea
April 20, 1999 -- Two high school students entered Columbine High School in Colorado. They went on a blood spilling rampage shooting and killing 12 students and one teacher, also leaving 21 more injured. Finally, they turned the guns on themselves. Just about everyone is familiar with this horrific story. It is just one of hundreds of horrific events in our recent history that includes violence, bloodshed, and death. No one deserves this kind of treatment, we all can agree on that. However, as sickening as it may be, our society still argues over "what" or "who" is to blame for these things. It comes as a complete shock to me -- deep down it was to be expected -- that people are in fact able to -- with their brainwashed minds -- manage to blame "God" for instances such as the Columbine massacre. They aren't saying "God" is to blame -- of course not, can't say its God's fault despite the enormous amount of hatred and bloodshed that is depicted in the Bible -- they claim that the lack of religion, God, and The Bible in the school system is to blame. The Bible teaches us -- among many things-- "thou shall not kill" "thou shall not steal" and "thou shall not take the Lord's name in vain" just to name a few. So, by taking religion, God, and The Bible out of our school systems, clearly children will never learn these lessons and therefore turn into brutal killing machines. Allow me to quote Mr. Ben Stein and we can see closely how ridiculous it sounds.
In light of recent events, terrorists attack, school shootings, etc.. I think it started when Madalyn Murray O'Hair (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school... The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK...Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Over on the right you will see a picture of Mrs. O'Hair. She was an Atheist activist and the founder and president of "American Atheists". As Mr. Ben Stein felt obligated to state, Mrs. O'Hair was in fact murdered, alongside she atheist son and granddaughter. Not only were they murdered, but they were utterly butchered and mutilated. And for what? In the name of the Lord. Mrs. O'Hair was a pioneer in our society however she was considered the "most hated woman in America". This is only one example of people killed by the hands of devout Christians. When the presence of God and the authenticity of The Bible are questioned, people die. Now, how can Christians (or Jews, or Muslims) sit down and say -- with complete faith and little doubt -- that the removal of Christ and The Bible from the school system is to blame for the worlds problems? More blood has been shed because of religion than has ever been shed where no religion is present. Kids today are not "evil" because they aren't being taught the "values" that The Bible teaches them. Kids today are evil because of many other reasons. I remember seeing the movie Saw II in theaters years ago. I also clearly remember seeing numerous children in the audience as well. The Saw movies depict some of the mos gruesome murders I have ever seen in movie. The main suspect, Jigsaw, captures his victims and gives them an ultimatum. I won't get into the entire flick, but his reasoning for doing this is simple. His victims take something in their lives for granted. Either they cheat on their spouses, they are workaholics and never see their families,or they are obsessed with material items. Jigsaw's plan is to teach them a lesson, if they fail, they die. Well now, that is definitely something I would want my children to see and learn, wouldn't you? So, we let our children watch movies such as that, we have governments allowing meth addicted people to have babies and attempt to raise kids, and we have bullies. People are also not teaching their children coping abilities. How to cope when you are bullied, how to cope when your mother dies from a drug overdose. Mental Illness. For some unbelievable reason, people tend to shrug off mental illness because you cannot physically see the issue. One may not appear to be sick, when in reality, they are as sick as it gets. Mental illness is not something we can control, it all comes down to different forms of chemical imbalances -- among other things that would take too long to explain. I remember being in eighth grade and being so disturbingly depressed that I actually wished death upon other people -- mostly bullies. I would never have done anything about those thoughts, but they were there. This depression was not something I could control. I was lucky, my parents knew there was something wrong and got me help. Kids that shoot up schools, are not doing so because they have no religion in their lives, they shoot up schools because they are mentally ill and need help. So many parents assume that when their kids are always locked up in a dark bedroom that it is just a "phase". The boys who shot up Columbine had plans of attack in their bedrooms. It could have been prevented if parents weren't so lazy these days. My mother would snoop in my room all the time -- at least I think she did -- I know she did if she felt something wasn't quite right. Parents today take so little notice of what is going on in their children's lives that things like this are overlooked. I'd like to make a statement here and now that I hope everyone remembers and holds onto forever -- God does not cure mental illness -- plain and simple. If you're sick, you need counselling and normally, some kind of medication to restore the chemical imbalances. I feel as though this post is all over the place, and for that I apologize. I so strongly feel as though there are hundreds of reasons we have so many of these horrific events happening, and none of them involve God. I am going to end here, for now. I need to gather my thoughts and attempt to put them in a neat little timeline and I will hopefully be able to clean up this post a little. I leave you with one more thing. It is NOT the responsibility of the education system to teach YOUR child the values that YOU deem necessary for a happy death free existence. -Drea
Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you back with open arms. I hope you will welcome me back in the same way. Today I will be posting at least 2 different posts, reason being...I have a lot to say, however, the topics of conversation/ranting differ greatly. I hope you will stick around and enjoy these posts. I'd like to start off by talking about something that drives me crazy. I know for a fact I am not alone in feeling this way either. One of my biggest pet peeves is when I go to work and the person sitting next to me is coughing, sneezing, and "snotting" all over the place. When this happens -- which is often -- I am pretty much able to pinpoint when I will be in the same position. Why? Because all of that coughing, sneezing, and "snotting" has managed to get me sick as well -- just what I wanted! Now, let me explain to you why going to work while sick is about the worst thing you can do. Employers tend to disagree with my reasoning -- but wait...hold the phone...yes, I in fact have some lovely reasons for employers to think about as well. Alright, we all know the main reason why we, employees, consistently go to work sick. The reasons are straight forward and understandable. Our employers refuse to pay us an adequate amount of sick time, if they give us any at all, and if we need any significant time off, we get canned. I'd love someone to explain to me how that is in any way right. An employer may argue that "If an employee is staying home for 5 days with the flu, then we are short staffed for a week!" Well holy cow, not short handed for a week!!! Can we look at it at a different way? Employee comes to work sick with the flu rather than resting at home for the week it takes to run its course. They cough, sneeze, and god knows what else all over their desks and into the air the other employees breathe in ALL day. Alright so, lets say that that one employee gets another five employees sick. Now, we've all had the flu, the kind of flu where your fever is so bad your teeth hurt. Naturally, and understandably, if we attend work in that condition, we aren't going to be very productive. Alright, so now, your office has six sick employees, all at work being hardly productive whatsoever, meanwhile, those six people are potentially getting everyone else sick. If I were an employer, I would prefer to pay that one employee for 5 sick days rather than have them come and infect all of my employees which in turn severely effects production levels. The next logical argument put forth by employers is "Well, when we offer paid sick time, people abuse it and call in sick when they aren't really ill". That I simply cannot deny. Of course some people will abuse it, however, I personally feel I'd rather a select few individuals abuse it rather than have an office full of sick people for two months of the year. There are a lot of places that do in fact offer paid sick time, however, 99% of those places are in office environments and the paid sick time offered is often only 2 days a year. 2 days a year! I know when someone I know gets the flu, they are down for the count for at least a week. The simple fact in all of this is that 90% of these employees simply cannot afford to take off sick time. I know people who actually fought their bosses on letting them stay at work. The employer tried sending them home because they were visibly ill, but they had no more paid sick time left. Despite arguing, she was still forced to go home without pay. That is nothing short of wrong. Now, on to the biggest issue in all of this. I have worked in a lot of different establishments in the food industry, none of them offered any paid sick time. In fact, when someone called in sick, they were required to find someone to cover for them or work it themselves, or risk being fired. Can someone explain to me how it is okay to let sick people handle your food? It disgusts me. The food industry should be forced to offer at least 10 days a year of paid sick time. I think that the few people who would abuse this privilege is well worth the end results -- not having sick people preparing and handling the food we eat. That is all I have to say on the subject, but I really would like to know if anyone actually disagrees with me here. I find it hard to believe that anyone could disagree, but I whole heartily would like to know if you do and why. -Drea