I realize this blog is somewhat new, but I already have to thank certain people. I have always had a strong passion for writing. I have started and abandoned so many blogs that I likely couldn't count them all. I usually abandoned them because I was too scared and nervous to publicly post them on Facebook. For some reason, I figured people would just have negative things to say and make me feel worthless (as that has happened in the past when I posted a blog on Facebook.) It's sad that there are people like that out there, but I have realized that I don't care. Sure, there are plenty of my "friends" who think it is just hilarious that "Drea has a blog", but again, I don't care.
I have had enormous support from so many people. For one, Ashley. She reads every post, gives me constructive criticism, and pushes me to get it out there. Secondly, there are people like Sarah (you know who you are lol) who took the time to to post my blog on THEIR wall and write about how much they loved my writing and how amazing it was. Then I got comments from their friends about it too, all positive. I have always had a dream to have a successful blog, where thousands of people would see it every day. These people, who gave me their kind words, made me believe in my self a whole lot more. In turn, this gave me the courage to put myself out there and advertise my blog to millions.
Today alone, my blog has hit over 1500 views...yesterday, there were 7!! So I have to give thanks where thanks is due.
There are LOTS of others who have been reading and quietly supporting me, and for that I also thank you! It means so much to me! I love you all!
Check back later tonight or tomorrow for another post -- trust me, this one will stir up some controversy, but hey, that's what I'm good what :P