Religion. A touchy subject everywhere across the globe. Lucky for you (and for me) this post is not about bashing religion! It is however, about atheism. I used to consider myself to be an atheist, and was not afraid to let it be known. Nowadays, I identify myself as agnostic, as I cannot truly say for 100% that there is no afterlife. Yes, Science has proven the theory of evolution, millions of people worldwide somehow bring themselves to ignore that, which does tend to annoy me. But, that is not why I am writing this entry.
I recently had an in depth debate with a strong atheist and that is my inspiration for this entry. Many atheists complain about Christians shoving their religious views down the throat of non-believers. And yes, I too find that to be rude and annoying. Whether it be missionaries knocking at your door, or friends and family urging you to go to church, pray, and believe in God (otherwise you will have a life of misery and live an eternity in hell). Either way, it is not right to try and force those beliefs on other people. <---- that sentence is something I hear almost every atheist I know say time and time again. A lot of those people do in fact practice what they preach, alternatively there seems to be an even larger number of atheists who become massive hypocrites. I have personally had many atheists tell me why there is no God and why I am wrong to doubt that fact. They laugh at you and consider you a moron for even doubting the scientific proof of evolution. I find this to be even more annoying than religious nuts throwing their beliefs in my face.
There is NO one person on this planet who can tell us, for 150%, that there IS or IS NOT an afterlife. Yes, we have science backing the theory of evolution...fantastic! But what we don't have, is solid proof that the afterlife does not exist. Now, you might say "Well Drea, there have been many testimonies of people dying on the operating table, when they were brought back they explained they saw a light, thats proof right there." Well, I am sorry to burst your bubble, but no, that is in no way proof of an afterlife. Why? Because there are just as many (if not more) occasions where someone has died briefly only to inform their loved ones that there is nothing there but darkness.
Christians often tell me to pray. They say that if I pray, my prayer will be answered in time. When God is ready to answer it. In HIS time. You're kidding me right? It isn't in God's time that these prayers are answered, it is in OUR time. For example...I could pray that to God that I find happiness and meaning in my life. It could take 10 years for me to achieve that, but when I do, I know it wasn't because of my prayer 10 years prior. I know it is because I worked hard to make myself truly happy. Everything happens in time...prayer or no prayer. For a moment, think about the concept of praying and how ridiculous it really is. Kneeling by your bed, or even driving in the car, you begin to say your prayer. Some may pray silently in their heads, others may pray vocally, either way, it is really far fetched to think that there is some being out there (without a physical body) that can hear those thoughts and words.
Anyhow, that is not the point of this post. The point of this post is to make it clear that atheists who preach their non-believing ways and scientific proof are NO better than the religious nuts they complain about. Atheists will say that it is terribly wrong to try and force a religious belief on you, however, many will turn around and say it is OK to preach the word of science and non-religious opinions. As an atheist, many feel offended when a religious person comes their way to spread the word of the Gospel. Well, don't you think that those religious beings are equally offended when you tell them their beliefs are wrong and idiotic?
In my non-professional opinion, there is no proof that there IS or IS NOT a God and that no human being has the right to tell anyone that there is or isn't, why? Because they have NO way of proving it.
As the old saying goes "put up or shut up."