Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Big, Beautiful, and Blunt!!

Welcome!  Thank you for visiting my blog, whether on purpose or by accident!  My name is Drea and I am 24.  The name of this blog somewhat speaks for itself, nonetheless, I will explain it.  I am, what some call, a BBW (Big Beautiful Woman).  I am NOT ashamed of my weight and I am very comfortable with myself.  I take no notice of those who have negative comments about my weight.  Thus the "Big, Beautiful" part of the blog name.  Also, I have a lot of opinions on a lot of different topics.  I have always been somewhat outspoken and I am rarely afraid to speak my mind, thus explaining the "Blunt" part of the title.  However, where I come from, speaking your mind -- if it goes against the the popular opinion -- is not well tolerated.  People tend to form negative opinions of YOU as a person for having certain beliefs or feelings, whether it is regarding religion, politics, the economy or education.

This blog is NOT intended to force my views or opinions on anyone.  It is simply here for those who wish to enjoy it and because I felt I finally needed my own place in cyberspace to let out all of my thoughts.  I will make every effort not to blatantly insult anyone whether it be ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexuality.  However, I must make it clear that this blog is for MY opinions.  I encourage others to read it, consider it, and then form their own opinions.  If anyone finds themselves personally offended by something I've posted, I sincerely apologize.  Furthermore, I will not censor my opinions and beliefs simply to save a few feelings from being hurt.  I am positive that YOU have some opinions that would offend SOMEONE out there.  Therefore, please take this as my official apology and disclaimer.  

I've been an aspiring blogger for years, however, I have yet to fully commit to a blog and keep it going for more than a couple of weeks.  That ends here -- well, that is the plan.  I have every intention to keep this blog going indefinitely for quite some time, with frequent updates.  Now, for a little more about me. 

I am currently unemployed and not in school.  I was a Psychology student for two years, at which time I decided to follow my true dream of becoming a Journalist.  I went to college for Journalism this past September, however, due to medical issues and financial restraints, I had to leave for the rest of the semester.  I am however planning to attend my university again in the fall to continue my degree.  Although, I must admit, I am terribly torn between my love for Journalism and my love for Psychology, therefore, I am still unsure which path I will choose to follow.  Throughout my short time in Journalism, I managed to score interviews with some well known individuals such as Food Network star Michael Smith, as well as Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall and Larry the Cable Guy from the world famous Blue Collar Comedy Tour.  These experiences are something I will never forget and allowed me to prove to myself that I have a natural talent in the field.  

Now, I apologize for the lengthy introduction, however, I feel as though everything I have stated in this entry is relevant to the upcoming entries.  Knowing a little bit about me will allow you to better understand why my beliefs are what they are.

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read this far and I wholeheartedly hope you will continue to read my other entries and that you will become a regular reader.  
